GIFT Features in NEXT Foundation's "Lifting Our Aspirations" Report

GIFT is proud to feature in NEXT Foundation’s latest report “Lifting our Aspirations”, which showcases stories of strategic philanthropy both within New Zealand and overseas. The publication highlights fourteen funders that are determined to change systems and have transformational impact.

“It is NEXT Foundation’s belief that being strategic and thoughtful in approach can amplify impact.” Bill Kermode, CEO of NEXT Foundation says in the report. “Our aspiration is that Lifting our Aspirations may be a useful learning tool, and hopefully inspire more strategic philanthropy as a tool for positive impact in the world.”

The GIFT case study touches upon GIFT’s approach centred around innovation, and the cultural shift for Foundation North to put mauri at the centre of the fund. The article, which includes comments from Foundation North’s current and former CEO’s Peter Tynan and Jennifer Gill, also explores GIFT’s achievements, milestones, and ends with our learnings and advice that we can offer the sector.

“If you want different outcomes you have to do things differently” says Kim Collins, Project Manager of GIFT. “We have broken our own rules… it gives us flexibility to respond where the community or issue is at.”

You can read the full report here.
